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Jamaat’s call morning to evening strike begins in the whole country

Today morning to evening strike has started the call by Bangladeshi Jamaat-e-Islami.

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, the country's call today morning - evening shutdown has started.

On Thursday, Islamist Jamaat-e-Islami party leader Quader Molla was hanged in a Dhaka prison, having been convicted by Bangladesh’s contentious war crimes tribunal. Then Jamaat allows this strike program.

Jamaat says, the government has planned to kill Quader Mulla, and this program calls them for this remonstrance.

Police and other forces are very alert to the capital. Road traffics are less than the normal time. But the other strike vandalized, or cocktail blasts occurred in the first stage, neither incident was reported in the capital.

Quader Molla was hanged on Thursday night, and effective since the start of violence in different parts of the country has continued on Sunday.

Saturday, 18-party alliance activist's clash with police Noakhali Companigonj at least three people, three people were killed Saturday in the northern district Nilphamari and three Shibir killed Sunday in Lalmonihat.

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Jamaat’s call morning to evening strike begins in the whole country
Today morning to evening strike has started the call by Bangladeshi Jamaat-e-Islami.Bangladesh Jamaa
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