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The history of rising new Al-Qaeda ‘ISIL’

Many people might remember the scene a few years ago. On that scene, it is seen, that time’s U.S. President George Bush is dancing with the Saudi king with a sword in a banquet hosted by the king. This sword symbolized a special status and glimpse.

Today Muslim peoples are being killed by Muslim named a group of terrorists in the Middle East! The ghosts of death are playing football with the head of innocent people. Muslim girls being raped and murdered by the alleged Jihadists!

In this circumstance, it is essential to highlight the difference between real Islam and terrorists Islam of fanatics. Westerns want to protest the Islamic arise with the terrorists, Islam so they can continue the increasing loot and aggressive movement of an occupant Israeli worldwide. Enemies of Islam think that, if they could spread the panic of Islam, the number of Islam's taking of Non-Muslim would be reduced in the West.

Western countries and particularly Hollywood are making films on so-called Islamic terrorism. But recently the rise of terrorist group ‘ISIL’ secretly sponsored by the westerns is not a movie it's a real fact.

Terrorist group Al-Qaeda’s new version is the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant in short ‘ISIL’ it's a Wahabi-Salafi militant group. It is understood by the name that the purpose of the group is to establish an independent state in Iraq and Al-Sham or former wider Syria (Lebanon and Palestine) assuming violent or alleged Salafi Islam.

Many people think that America formed Al- Qaeda and the Taliban by Bin Laden for delaying the occupation and impact of former Soviet in Afghanistan.

The CIA is using the Taliban and Al- Qaeda in three ways. Firstly:  using a group of youth against enemies using the name of Islam, Secondly: Spreading panic of Islam worldwide by making these simple-minded youths frenetic and establishing the new rule of militant Islam by them and Thirdly: Using them in terrorist activities at the same time America able to intervene in many countries by the name of counterterrorism.

Anyways, ‘ISIL’ was formed in 2003 at the time of U.S. attack in Iraq. That time the name of the group was the Islamic State of Iraq.

The Official debut of ‘ISI’ announced on 15th October 2006 after several meetings with terrorist groups, and that was informed Abu Omar Al Baghdadi is the leader of the group.

After the death of Abu Omar on 19th April 2010, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi became the new head of the militant group and started to spread in the Middle East.

U.S.  Government announced ten million-dollar prize to make known as ‘New Bin Laden’ Baghdadi arrested. Baghdadi was arrested in the U.S. Jail in the Umm Qasr city of Iraq. It is considered that he was a member of Al- Qaeda before 2003. Thousands of extremist prisoners were released, including him, from the ‘Buka’ jail of the Umm Qasr city. The original name of Baghdadi was Abu Daya. In 2005, he was arrested on charges of murder, kidnapping and different types of terrorist activities. After abducting Iraqi citizens, he recites a lot of complaints against them and makes them hanged publicly.

Baghdadi blew a mosque with explosives in Iraq in 2011. He was also accused of murdering Iraq’s Sunni representative or leader Khaled Al Fahdawi.

Baghdadi is expert in talking several regional languages of Iraq fluently now roam secretly like a bogey, and his staff and fans got to see him very rarely. He almost always keeps his face covered so that no one could recognize him. Abu Bakr Baghdadi believes in far more violence than any other Al-Qaeda leaders.

When westerns, Israel and there is helping regional government and backed by terrorists and rebels started the war against Syria’s hardline anti-Israel Assad government, ‘ISI’ joined the rebels and took part in the battle.

The group later changed its name to the current name.

Al Nusra Front formed in 2011 in Syria started fighting with the government soldiers as a branch of ‘ISIL.'

In April 2013, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi announced in an audio message that ‘Jabhat Al-Nusra’ or ‘Al Nusra Front’ was formed with the financial support of ‘ISI’ and these two groups together formed ‘ISIL’.

But the fight started between two groups for power. Because two group members are fighting with each other, so both group’s respected Al-Qaeda leader (Ayman al-Zawahiri) declared him as the Syria representative of Nusra Front and ordered Baghdadi to obey Al Nusra’s leader.

Last 10th June ‘ISIL’ fighters occupied most of the area of Mosul city under Nineveh province of Iraq. The city is the second-largest city in terms of population in Iraq. They also occupied the birthplace of Saddam and Fajula, Turkic city. Turkic is the main city of Salahuddin province. According to the latest news ‘ISIL,' fighters have been evicted from these places under the attack of government and public forces.

Many officials, including Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, said more than 50 thousand government soldiers give up the control of the city’s main government building, armory, bank and jails of the province without any barriers to the terrorists for a conspiracy of taking bribe from the terrorists.

In November 2013 ‘ISIL’ raids in Ar-Raqqah of Syria and ousted the Free – Syrian army soldier’s alleged rebel of Assad. This militant group built a permanent base there. Different types of strict and extremist regime are being imposed upon Ar-Raqqah’s people. For that often, there happened open killing, and many innocent Syrian people suffered from severe punishment.

In November 2013, supporters of the Syrian rebels ‘Syrian Human Rights Observer’ organizations said, ‘ISIL’ is the most powerful group of northern Syria.

In addition to America and Israel, few governments of the Middle East are assisting with money, weapons, and intelligence.

After the militant group's operations in Mosul, Iraqi officials allege Saudi and Turkish intelligence agency and former Vice President of the Iraq Tariq al-Hashimi directors behind the operation. Hashimi claimed the rise of ‘ISIL’ as the revolution of Iraqi people’s dream.

Iraq’s Home Ministry said that the terrorists started an open war in Iraq in a conspiracy to destabilize the entire Middle East.

Some analysts and experts think that some local and foreign groups are planning to fetch the power of Nouri al-Maliki, who is democratically elected in Iraq in the recent elections. And the donors of these groups are Israel, U.S., Turkish, Qatari and Saudi government. They want to put a person like a bottle in Iraq’s power. These governments helped Wahabi- Salafi Muslim believers ISIL, Al-Qaeda and some other terrorist groups by giving ammunition, money, training and intelligent support that is used to kill innocent Muslims by naming them kafir in Syria before Iraq.
Some characteristics of ‘ISIL’:

1. Most of them are from a foreign and very few of them are resident of Iraq. They are supported by the Darbari Wahabi Mufti of Saudi Arab. According to the Wahhabis without them and Hambali Mazhab, Hanafi and all Mazhab’s Imam and the followers are Kafir and killing them is legal. It means all three Mazhab of Sunni, and Shiya Mazhab’s followers are Kafir, and it is legal to kill them. Every month ‘ISIL’ terrorist has given 1000-1500 dollar salaries. Saudi Arab, Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates are given an enormous amount of money.

2. These terrorists did brutally and heinous killing on those regions where they occupied. They didn’t spare the women, children or elders. Not only that, it has been seen in Syria that after killing they have eaten the heart of the victim by cutting its chest and stomach and gave the video footage to the Internet.

In the meantime, the ‘ISIL’ soldiers killed brutal thousands of captured soldiers from their area and posted pictures on the Internet. The news has also come that their soldiers have raped Iraqi women in various regions. According to the spiritual, encourage giver of ‘ISIL’ Wahabi Mufti’s fatwa it is legal to behave like a wife with the women from the conquered region.

Meanwhile, four women committed suicide in Mosul after being forced for marriage or rape informs UN.

Foreign sponsored terrorist group ‘ISIL’ killed 12 Sunni scholars in Iraq.

They killed these 12 Sunni scholars brutally for refusing to show loyalty to the group Al Iraqia TV gave the news last Saturday.

In another incident, the terrorists of ‘ISIL’ after killing the Imam of Mosul’s Central Mosque, they cut his body into pieces. In their eyes, the crime of the Imam was; he refused to join their group. Local leaders said about this terrible occurrence.

3. ‘ISIL’ terrorists are destroying the holy places of all religions, including Islam, looting and doing indiscriminate massacre. But the sacred religion, Islam forbids to damage trees, crops, firms, animals and water, killing civil men, women, children, and elders are so far. Even according to the Islamic principles of war, it is prohibited to kill captured or surrendered people. In addition to the international laws, it’s considered shameful killing surrendering people even in the Jaheli era.

Islam banned distorting the body of the Kafir or infidel killed in the battle. But ‘ISIL’ terrorists distort the body of a soldier killed in the battle smash them under car trample them and enjoy ghoulish pranks by making their head football.

It says in the Holy Quran that, if someone kills an innocent man, then he killed the entire mankind.

4. Many ‘ISIL’ terrorists would be given the death penalty or life imprisonment for doing the killing and robbery in Arab countries. But they have released on the condition of doing terrorist activities in the name of Jihad in foreign countries.

5. These Takfiri terrorists who claim they Jihadi didn’t shoot a single bullet towards the Israeli Hudis, who is occupying in the Palestine area. They didn’t kill any army person of Israel. But these Saudi-Qatari-Turkish-U.S. -Eng-French-German backed Takfiri (Salafi) terrorists are killing millions of innocent Muslims in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq the way they killed thousands of Non-Wahabi Muslims and other religious people in Syria three years back!

6. These rebels and Takfiri (Salafi) terrorist groups were helped and supported by the rulers of Saudi-Qatar-Turki as well as supported by the imperialist infidel westerns!

7. All of them are very cruel, violent and brutal and worse than a beast. Because we’ve already mentioned that they ate the heart by cutting chest after killing many prisoners.

8. Iraqi and Syrian people don't support them.

9. They don’t have unity among themselves, for this, they often fight with each other. If they get power anywhere, then the clash and civil war will become severe and widespread. They have destroyed the Mazar of Sahaba in Syria. They also destroyed the dome of the Mazar of two imams of prophet descendant and Ahle Bait member Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (AS.) and Imam Ali Naqi (AS.). They have vowed to destroy the Mazar of the grandson of Hazrat Muhammad (SM.) and the great hero of Karbala revolution Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.). They have also destroyed the Mazar of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.)’s sister, hung a three-four-year Shia Muslim Child to death, burned two Kurdi by pouring petrol in their body and promoted the video, killed both child and mother after ripping the stomach of a Shia Muslim pregnant woman, Killed a young prisoner by a child prisoner and promoted the video, they have killed teenagers and many civil people after capturing them and promoted these videos as Takfiri- Wahabi Islam’s heroism. This is some more evidence of the brutality of the militant terrorists.

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The history of rising new Al-Qaeda ‘ISIL’
Many people might remember the scene a few years ago. On that scene, it is seen, that time’s U.S.
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