The world's first vaccine and a mysterious picture of three Indian queens

The world's first vaccine and a mysterious picture of three Indian queensDevajammani became the wife of the royal family of Mysore in 1805 when she was only 12 years old. She was married to 12-year-old Krishnaraja, the third royal descendant of Wadiyar.The young Krishnaraja then ascended the throne as the new king of South India.And his wife Devajammani unknowingly became a model in a few days of marriage. He has been used to promote the new smallpox vaccine. The East India Company has taken the initiative to draw a picture of him as a 'model' of Ticker.At that time the treatment Read More
Date: 2020-09-27 5:45 PM
Categories: news-article
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The world's first vaccine and a mysterious picture of three Indian queens
Devajammani became the wife of the royal family of Mysore in 1805 when she was only 12 years old. Sh
User Rating: 1.78 / 5

Cyclone having a feminine name is ‘more lethal’

Cyclone having a feminine name is ‘more lethal’If the cyclone Katrina effects deadly on the cost of New Airlines of the USA in 2005 had a Masculine name, so it would do little rampages? This idea has been obtained by researchers from the statistical analysis of the past 62 years.Researchers of Illinois, University said, The cyclone or Hurricane stroked in the USA from 1950 to 2012 feminine named cyclones are three times much destructive than the masculines. For this, they are blaming the psychology of Americans.Scientists said; people take the feminine-named storm slightly. On the other hand, Read More
Date: 2014-06-24 2:07 PM
Categories: news-article
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Cyclone having a feminine name is ‘more lethal’
If the cyclone Katrina effects deadly on the cost of New Airlines of the USA in 2005 had a Masculine
User Rating: 4.00 / 5

Pinterest Adds Wiser Search Tool

Pinterest Adds Wiser Search ToolPinterest is adding new search features to assist customers better navigate the 30 billion hooks on the website.The company just introduced Led Search, something new that allows customers to filter their search with the addition of specific filters highly relevant to the initial search phrase.For example, trying to find "hairstyles" will provide filters like "wedding," "round face," or "short hair." Customers are trying to find "hamburgers" could see filters like "vegan" or "easy quality recipes." Filters could be added or removed without departing looking search engines and appearance on mobile Read More
Date: 2014-04-25 4:40 AM
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Pinterest Adds Wiser Search Tool
Pinterest is adding new search features to assist customers better navigate the 30 billion hooks on
User Rating: 2.75 / 5

Veteran journalist ABM Musa forgets about

Veteran journalist ABM Musa forgets aboutIn October 1997, ABM Musa was the area of the Bangladesh prime minister's team towards the Commonwealth Heads of presidency meeting in Edinburgh. Realizing that it is little for him to complete, he requested me in a humorous fashion, "Badrul, perhaps you have introduced me to Britain just to walk around, eat burgers and do little else?" He was attempting to prove a place: good journalists, after they find they are suddenly free from writing, are in a condition of chaos. Work keeps them going. It stored Musa, our very Read More
Date: 2014-04-09 4:18 PM
Categories: news-article
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Veteran journalist ABM Musa forgets about
In October 1997, ABM Musa was the area of the Bangladesh prime minister's team towards the Commonwea
User Rating: 4.00 / 5